responsible fully licenced waste disposal all rubbish and junk cleared
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If you want to talk a load of rubbish give us a call.
To work around a known issue on Google maps when viewing the larger map: if the map loads minus the black 'area line' try the browser back button to reveal the intended map.
While our normal operating area is shown on the map above, we will always consider work outside that area.
Contact us at:
Contract Clearance
Keith Pitman, 4 Hereford Road, Feltham, Middlesex, TW13 5BT
Tel: 020  8890  6901
Mobile: 07941 184624
Beware of Fly Tippers
The total cost to local authorities of clearing fly-tipping - defined as waste illegally deposited on public land under section 33 of the Environment Protection Act 1990 - in 2014/15 was nearly £50 million, an 11 per cent increase on 2013/14. Local authorities carried out nearly 515,000 enforcement actions at an estimated cost of £17.6 million in 2014/15, a £0.3 million increase on the previous year. The cost to private landowners is an estimated £50 - £150 million per year. Don't let your waste become part of the problem.